Microbiology BS/Biomanufacturing and Bioprocessing MBB

The worlds of science and business are becoming increasingly interconnected — creating strong demand for professionals who can combine scientific and technical knowledge with business and communication skills.

In the UGA M.B.B. program, students are not only trained in aspects of microbiology, biochemistry, biochemical engineering, genetics and process development, but will be given a solid base in the business aspects of the biomanufacturing industry, including finance, supply chain issues and manufacturing practices.

The M.B.B. program has a number of industry partnerships that includes:
Lallemand Biofuels & Distilled Spirits
Danimer Scientific
Boehringer Ingleheim
RWDC Industries
Lectenz Bio
Manus Bio

Admission to Program

Student should apply for the B.S./M.B.B. program before the deadline during the fall semester of the third year.

To be considered for this dual degree pathway, the student must complete a College of Engineering Pathway Application (PDF) and meet the following requirements:

1) Have an overall UGA GPA of 3.0.
2) Students must have a minimum of 63 credit hours completed towards their B.S. degree.
3) Submit a Statement of Purpose indicating their research interests and career goals.
4) Provide three letters of reference. One of the letters must be from a faculty member within the Department of Biochemistry indicating that the faculty member will serve as the student’s mentor during the next academic year (senior year in Biochemistry). In this role, the faculty member will commit their time to helping the student start their graduate program and give them advice on potential coursework, research advisors, and research projects. By agreeing to serve as the student’s mentor, the faculty member does not guarantee funding for the student or continued advisement during their fifth year in the program.

During their senior year:
6) Students will be required to work in the faculty mentor's laboratory to gain experience and potentially begin their research program.
7) Students can, but are not required to, participate in the UGA CURO program as part of their research experience.
8) Student will apply for Admission to the Graduate Program.

What Students Need to Apply:
• College of Engineering Pathway Application (PDF)
• Resume
• Statement of Purpose (research interest and career goals)
• Unofficial Transcripts
• Letter of Support from Faculty Member Mentor


Graduate-level courses that may be used to satisfy undergraduate and graduate program requirements.

MIBO 6090, 4
MIBO 6600L, 4
BCMB 6030L, 4

Additional requirements that are unique to this Double Dawgs program:

A) Required Courses including a 400 hour internship

• Two (3 credit) Business classes chosen from courses listed in section C
• BCMB 4030L/6030L Bioprocess Technology
• BCMB 7000 Project-Focused Master's Research
• BIOS 7100 or BIOS 7100E Biostatistical Applications for the Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Industries
• ENGR 7900 Graduate Internship (3+ hour credit)

B) Three of the following courses (Secondary Required Courses):

Track 1: Synthetic Biology
• BCHE 6655 Metabolic Engineering and Synthetic Biology
• BCHE 6710 Bioelectrochemical Engineering
• BCHE 8220 Advanced Metabolic Engineering and Synthetic Biology
• BCHE 8350 Sustainable Process Engineering
• BCHE 8610 Bioelectroanalytical Techniques
• ENGR 6490 Renewable Energy Engineering
• MIBO 6600L Experimental Microbiology Laboratory
• GENE 6520 Genetics of Industrial Micro-Organisms or GENE(MIBO) 8980 Prokaryotic Genetics

Track 2: Biopharmaceuticals and Cell Manufacturing
• BCHE 6650 Animal Cell Biomanufacturing
• BCMB(CBIO)(GENE) 8113/8114 Advanced Genetics, Cell Biology, Biochemistry, and Molecular Biology (1a or 1b)
• BCMB(CBIO)(GENE) 8213/8214 Advanced Genetics, Cell Biology, Biochemistry, and Molecular Biology (III or IV)
• BIOE 8120 Regenerative Medicine, Cell Manufacturing, and Society
• PHAR 6030 Current Good Manufacturing Practices

C) Two of the following Business courses:

• ENTR 7090 Critical Design Thinking
• ENTR 7310 Innovation Management
• ENTR 7320 Innovative Business Projects
• ENTR 7500 Introduction to Entrepreneurship
• ENTR 7510 Developing Successful Business Plans
• ENTR 7515 Entrepreneurship
• ENTR 7525 Managing the Entrepreneurial Venture
• FINA 7010 Financial Management
• MGMT 7220 Project Management
• MIST 7600 Data Management and Analytics

Admission to Graduate Program

Interested biochemistry students should apply to the M.B.B. program in the fall semester of their senior year. Two applications need to be submitted to be accepted into the program. The first application needs to be completed at the UGA graduate school. The second form is the application specific to the UGA M.B.B. Program, which can be found at: https://biomanufacturing.uga.edu/mbb-program/statement-of-interest/.

Program Advisor

  • Name: James Kastner
  • Email: jrk@uga.edu
  • Phone: 706-583-0155
  • Address: 0155D Riverbend Research Center North, 110 Riverbe

Undergraduate Major Information

  • Major: Microbiology (also offered at Griffin) B.S.
  • Department/College: Microbiology

Advising Contact

  • Name: Jennifer Walker
  • Email: jrswalk@uga.edu
  • Phone: (706) 542-0947
  • Address: 327 Biological Sciences Building

Graduate Major Information

  • Major: Biomanufacturing and Bioprocessing M.B.B.
  • Department/College: Chemical, Materials, and Biomedical Engineering

Advising Contact

  • Name: James Kastner
  • Email: jrk@uga.edu
  • Phone: 706-583-0155
  • Address: 0155D Riverbend Research Center North, 110 Riverbe