Mathematics BS (Financial Mathematics)/Mathematics Education MAT
Sample Program of Study
Year 1 - Fall
MATH 2260, 4
ENGL 1101, 3
PHYS 1211-1211L, 4
HIST 2111 or HIST 2112, 3
FYOS 1001, 1
Year 1 - Spring
MATH 2270, 4
ENGL 1102, 3
CSCI 1301-1301L, 4
POLS 1101, 3
Year 1 - Summer
Year 2 - Fall
MATH 2700, 3
MATH 3200, 3
World Language/Culture, 4
Biological Science, 3
Elective (Franklin Multicultural), 3
Year 2 - Spring
MATH 3300, 3
MATH 3100, 3
Social Science, 3
World Language/Culture, 4
ACCT 1160 or 2101, 3
Year 2 - Summer
Year 3 - Fall
FINA 3001, 3
MATH 4500/6500*, 3
World Language/Culture, 3
Elective (SPED 4030), 3
Elective (EDUC 2120), 3
Year 3 - Spring
FINA 4310, 3
MATH 4600/6600 or STAT 4510/6510*, 3
EMAT 4810, 3
EMAT 4800-4800L, 4
Elective (Franklin Fine Art/PHIL/RELI),3
Year 3 - Summer
Year 4 - Fall
MATH 4790/6790*, 3
EMAT 4860, 3
EMAT 4850-4850L, 4
Elective (Franklin Fine Art/PHIL/RELI), 3
Elective (EPSY 2130), 3
Year 4 - Spring
MATH 7200*, 3
EMAT 6910*, 3
EMAT 6900*, 3
EMAT 4900L, 1
Humanities/Arts, 3
Year 4 - Summer
Year 5 - Fall
EMAT 6950, 3
EMAT 7460, 12
Year 5 - Spring
EMAT Graduate Elective, 3
EMAT Graduate Elective, 3
MATH 6000**, 3
Graduate Elective, 3
*Graduate courses that may be used to satisfy both undergraduate and graduate degree program requirements. Up to 12 hours may count toward both degrees: 2 graduate level EMAT, MATH 7200 and one additional MATH, selected in consultation with the mathematics education advisor.
**MATH 6000 must be taken for certification in Georgia unless the student already has credit for MATH 4000. If MATH 4000/6000 was previously taken, the student should choose, in consultation with the mathematics education advisor, a different MATH, STAT, or EMAT course.