Admission to Program
Students will be admitted into the pathway at the time that they apply for entrance into the Sport Management undergraduate major. The Sport Management B.S.Ed. program is four semesters (blocks) of coursework and typically begins in semester four, five, or six of the undergraduate program. Applicants must submit a statement of purpose and a resume. Students must have a 3.25 or higher overall GPA and a minimum 60+ hours of coursework completed.
Graduate-level courses that may be used to satisfy undergraduate and graduate program requirements.
KINS 6520, 3
KINS 6810E, 3
KINS 7370, 3
KINS 7560, 3
Additional requirements that are unique to this Double Dawgs program:
Admission to Graduate Program
Students will apply to the graduate program in fall or spring of year four to be ready for M.S. graduate coursework in the summer of year four or fall of year five (spring undergraduate admits). Admission will include submission of the Graduate School application and three reference letters. All other materials would have been collected at the time of pathway admission. The GRE will be waived for students admitted to the pathway. Student transcripts will be evaluated by the program faculty to determine progress in the four pathway courses prior to a formal entrance recommendation to the Graduate School.