Biochemistry and Molecular Biology BS/Comparative Biomedical Sciences MS

This Double Dawgs program is particularly suitable for exceptional undergraduates in BCMB who wish to embark upon a research program with an emphasis in translational research. The included sample plan has a focus in infectious diseases; however, other areas include physiology/pharmacology, pathology, population health, and clinical medicine. Graduates of this program would be competitive to become laboratory managers or higher level research technicians in academia, industry, or government. They would also be well prepared for Ph.D. programs.

Admission to Program

BCMB majors may apply to the dual degree program with Comparative Biomedical Sciences in the fall of Year 3 of their undergraduate program. Students who meet the following eligibility requirements should submit documentation thereof to

o Applicants must have a minimum cumulative undergraduate GPA of 3.0.
o Applicants should be on track to have completed at least 60 credit hours by the end of the semester for which they seek admission to the Dual Degree Pathway.


Graduate-level courses that may be used to satisfy undergraduate and graduate program requirements.

Students may choose up to 12 credit hours from the following:

BCMB 6020 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology II (3)
BCMB 6110 Physical Biochemistry (3)
CBIO 8010 Molecular Cell Biology (4)
CBIO 8500 Biology of Parasitism (4)
GENE 8920 Nucleic Acids (3)
IDIS (CBIO/MIBO) 6100 Immunology (3)
IDIS (MIBO/POPH) 6450 Microbial Genetics and Genomics (4)
IDIS (MIBO/POPH) 6650 Introduction to Virology (3)
IDIS 8010 Advanced Studies in Infectious Diseases ( 4)
IDIS 8030 Parasites and Parasitic Diseases (3)
IDIS 8080L Advanced Molecular Techniques (3)
IDIS 8100 Advanced Immunology (4)
IDIS 8300 Advanced Immunology: Innate Immunology (3)
IDIS 8591 Advanced Concepts of Virology (3)
POPH 6050 Avian Diseases (3)
POPH 6110 Problems in Food Animal Infectious Disease (2)
POPH 6800 Avian Pharmacology and Toxicology (3)
POPH 7060 Avian Diagnostic Microbiology (3)
POPH 7100 Principles and Management of Wildlife Diseases (3)
POPH 8050/L Avian Virus Diseases (3)
POPH (IDIS/MIBO) 8200 Molecular Virology and Experimental Design (5)
VPAT 7050 Fundamentals of Fish Disease and Pathology (3)
VPAT 7200/L General Animal Pathology (3.7)
VPAT (POPH) 8220 Avian Histopathology (3)
VPAT 8020 Cellular Pathology (4)
VPHY 5110 Neuromuscular Physiology (1.3)
VPHY 5160 Renal and Body Fluid Physiology (1.3)
VPHY 7200 Principles of Pharmacology (3.1)
VPHY 5220/L Veterinary Toxicology (1.3)
VPHY 6050 Animal Physiological Chemistry (2)
VPHY 6090 Comparative Mammalian Physiology (3)
VPHY 6100 Comparative Mammalian Physiology (3)
VPHY 6910 Introductory Toxicology (3)

Additional requirements that are unique to this Double Dawgs program:

BIOS 7010 Introductory Biostatistics I (3) or POPH 8310L Population Health Statistics (3)
GRSC 8550 Responsible Conduct of Research (1)
IDIS 8170 or VETM 8001 Research Communications (1)

One of the following journal clubs:
IDIS 8250 Special Topics in Parasitology (1)
IDIS 8540 Special Topics in Bacterial Pathogenesis (1) IDIS 8550 Special Topics in Immunology (1)
IDIS 8590 Special Topics in Disease Intervention (1) POPH 8230 Special Topics in Population Health (2) POPH 8580 Current Topics in Wildlife Health (1)

One of the following seminar series:
IDIS 8160 Seminar in Infectious Diseases (1)
POPH 8150 Avian Medicine Seminar (1)
VPAT 8140 Research Seminar (1)

Admission to Graduate Program

o 3.5 or higher undergraduate GPA (including any graduate courses used to satisfy undergraduate requirements)
o Three letters of recommendation from faculty or staff who have interacted with the student in a research setting
o Statement of purpose

Program Advisor

  • Name: Michael Adams
  • Email:
  • Phone: 706-542-2060
  • Address: B216B Davison Life Sciences Building

Undergraduate Major Information

  • Major: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology B.S.
  • Department/College: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Advising Contact

  • Name: Michael Adams
  • Email:
  • Phone: 706-542-2060
  • Address: B216B Davison Life Sciences Building

Graduate Major Information

  • Major: Comparative Biomedical Sciences M.S.
  • Department/College: College of Veterinary Medicine

Advising Contact