History AB/Social Studies Education MAT(non-thesis)

Graduates will have extensive experiences working on-site in 6-12 schools as part of a clinically based teacher education program and intensive content area coursework in Political Science. Graduates will not only receive their two degrees, they are also recommended for a master’s level teaching certificate (T-5), which earns a higher teacher salary in Georgia and in many other states in the US. Career trajectories include secondary social studies teaching, continued graduate level study (in political science or education and many related fields), and participation in the political sphere through formal and informal work therein.

Admission to Program

Students will be admitted into the pathway at the time that they apply for entrance into the professional preparation program in Social Studies Education. That program only is accessible in spring of the academic year. Students will enter the pathway in Fall of Year 4 so as to be cleared through all pre service certification background processes associated with social studies education teacher preparation program. Applicants will apply for entrance to the pathway by the annual application for social studies education application date which is September 15 of each year. Applicants must have 60 hours of Core Areas 1-VI courses, upper level area of emphasis content courses, and foreign language courses completed at the time of application. A 2.8 GPA (overall, cumulative, and in Areas V and VI combined is required. Students must also submit responses to written essay prompts.


Graduate-level courses that may be used to satisfy undergraduate and graduate program requirements.

SPED 6030E
EFND or EPSY 6000+
ESOC 6990
ESOC 7020 or ESOC 7060

Additional requirements that are unique to this Double Dawgs program:

Prior to enrollment in Year 4 (spring) courses, students must satisfy pre-service certification requirements with the Georgia Professional Standards Commission. Information about this process can be found at this webpage: http://epr.coe.uga.edu/gapsc/pre-service-certificate/

Admission to Graduate Program

Students will apply to the graduate program in the spring semester of year 4 for entrance into Graduate School in Summer Year 4. Admission will include submission of the Graduate School application. All other materials would have been collected at the time of pathway admission.

Program Advisor

Undergraduate Major Information

  • Major: History A.B.
  • Department/College: History

Advising Contact

  • Name: Laurie Kane
  • Email: history@uga.edu
  • Phone: 706 542-2053
  • Address: 211 LeConte Hall

Additional Advising Contact

  • Name: Jessica Couch
  • Email: couchj@uga.edu
  • Phone: 706 583-8180
  • Address: 103 LeConte Hall

Graduate Major Information

  • Major: Social Studies Education M.A.T.
  • Department/College: Educational Theory and Practice

Advising Contact