Religion AB/Religion MA

Faculty in the Religion Department engage in research and teaching about the diverse religious traditions of the world. The study of religion is an interdisciplinary field, and our work represents a stimulating range of methodological and theoretical approaches, from archaeological and historical to textual and ethnographic. Within this intellectual environment, we are committed to working closely with both our undergraduate and graduate students. Our graduate program has strengths across several graduate research clusters, including African American religions, Jewish studies, Islamic studies, Asian religions, biblical studies, and anthropology of Christianity. Graduate students engage in in-depth study in their selected area of specialization. Students with a master’s degree in Religion can apply to doctoral programs or pursue careers in non-governmental organizations (NGOs), community-based organizations, international aid and foreign affairs, the civil service, social work and counseling, public relations, education, libraries and museums, and more.

Admission to Program

Students typically apply for admission to the dual degree pathway during the third year of their undergraduate degree. To be considered for the dual degree pathway, students must be a current Religion major, have completed at least 60 credit hours, and have a minimum 3.5 GPA overall.

To apply, eligible students should submit the following two statements to the Department of Religion’s Graduate Coordinator:
(1) A 500-1000 word statement of purpose explaining which area of religion you wish to research and the skills and educational experiences that have prepared you to undertake such research. The first or second sentence of your statement should include the faculty member you would like to work with in the Department of Religion.
(2) A statement of support from the faculty member you wish to work with, stating that they are willing to advise you in the pathway as well as in the MA program if you are admitted to it.

(Note that admission to the pathway does not guarantee admission to the MA program; see further information below.)


Graduate-level courses that may be used to satisfy undergraduate and graduate program requirements.

Students will be required to complete up to four graduate-level courses for a total of up to 12 credit hours. Any RELI 6000-level course may count. Only one graduate-level course outside the Religion Department may count.

Additional requirements that are unique to this Double Dawgs program:

The research skills (foreign language) requirement for the Religion MA will be fulfilled when the student has completed the Franklin College foreign language requirement.

Admission to Graduate Program

Students in the dual degree pathway will typically apply to the Religion MA program during their fourth year. Students will follow the same application procedure and deadline as all other applicants to the MA program, as detailed on the Department of Religion’s website (

Program Advisor

Undergraduate Major Information

  • Major: Religion A.B.
  • Department/College: Religion

Advising Contact

  • Name: Jodie Lyon
  • Email:
  • Phone: -
  • Address: Peabody Hall 20

Additional Advising Contact

  • Name: Greg Kline
  • Email:
  • Phone: 706-542-1522
  • Address: Brooks Hall 346

Graduate Major Information

  • Major: Religion M.A.
  • Department/College: Religion

Advising Contact