Fisheries and Wildlife BSFR(Wildlife Sciences)/Natural Resources MNR(non-thesis)

Graduates with degrees in Wildlife Science and Natural Resources will be prepared for a wide range of career opportunities, including state and federal agencies, outdoor recreation and tourism companies, non-governmental organizations, wildlife and nature centers, and municipalities, among many others. Graduates will meet the educational requirements necessary for certification as an Associate Wildlife Biologist.

Admission to Program

Students may apply for preliminary acceptance to the Double Dawgs program in the second semester of their third year. If accepted preliminarily, students will be allowed to register for graduate level courses starting the next semester, contingent upon final acceptance. Determination of final acceptance will be made after the second semester grades are available. To be eligible for the Warnell Double Dawgs pathway, students must:
- Be admitted to the Warnell Professional Program
- Have a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 at the end of the third year*
- Submit a statement of career objectives
- Provide a letter of recommendation from a UGA faculty member

*Students may submit an appeal for admission to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs if the GPA is below 3.0


Graduate-level courses that may be used to satisfy undergraduate and graduate program requirements.

FANR 6800 Renewable Resources Policy
FISH 6200 Aquatic Biology
FISH 6300 Environmental Biology of Fishes
FORS 6210 Forest Health and Protection
NRRT 6400 Resource Management
NRRT 6700 Social Science Methods
NRRT 7410 Stewardship and Protection of Natural Resources
NRRT 7800S Environmental Interpretation
NRRT 7900 Ecotourism and Sustainable Development
WILD 6000 Wildlife Habitat Management
WILD 6040 Herpetology
WILD 6050 Mammalogy
WILD 6060 Ornithology
WILD 6400 Wildlife Physiology and Nutrition
WILD 6520 Conservation Decision Making
WILD 6600 Field Methods in Wildlife
WILD 6650 Field and Molecular Techniques
WILD 6700 Wildlife Techniques
WILD 6900 Wildlife Damage Management
WILD 7100 Wildlife Diseases
WILD 7330 Conservation of Wildlife in Agricultural Landscapes
WILD 7350 Wetland Management for Wildlife
WILD 7700 Applied Population Dynamics

Or other 6000-level or higher courses approved by the academic advisor. A maximum of 12 credit hours may count in the graduate program of study.

Additional requirements that are unique to this Double Dawgs program:

Students are required to complete an internship (NRRT 3900 or WILD 3900) prior to completing the graduate degree.

Admission to Graduate Program

Students must apply and be admitted to the UGA graduate school. A Warnell faculty member must agree to serve as the major professor.
Requirements include:
- Graduate School Application
- Graduate Study Objectives Form
- Resume
- Statement of Career Goals
- Official GRE scores
- Transcripts
- Three letters of recommendation

Program Advisor

  • Name: Rhett Jackson
  • Email:
  • Phone: 706-542-4284
  • Address: Warnell building 1, room 203

Undergraduate Major Information

  • Major: Fisheries and Wildlife B.S.F.R.
  • Department/College: Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources

Advising Contact

  • Name: Matt Head
  • Email:
  • Phone: 706-542-1133
  • Address: 180 E. Green Street

Graduate Major Information

  • Major: Natural Resources M.N.R.
  • Department/College: Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources

Advising Contact

  • Name: Kate Dedufour
  • Email:
  • Phone: 706-542-1183
  • Address: 180 E. Green Street

Additional Advising Contact

  • Name: Kyle Maurice Woosnam
  • Email:
  • Phone: 864-653-0167
  • Address: Warnell 1-301A