Agricultural Engineering BSAE(Process Operations)/Business Administration MBA(non-thesis)

Undergraduate engineering students may earn both their Bachelor of Science in Engineering degree and an M.B.A. in a total of five years through this dual program, which is also the first and only B.S.A.E./M.B.A. degree offered by the University System of Georgia. This curricular combination will provide graduating students with not only the necessary engineering expertise, but also the business skills needed for professional advancement and career success.

Admission to Program

Once admitted to UGA, students must meet certain standards to apply to high-demand majors in the UGA College of Engineering. Beginning in fall semester 2016, applicants will be selected based on their grades in general education and
major-specific courses along with information submitted in a personal statement of purpose. (This requirement does not apply to students already enrolled in a UGA College of Engineering degree program as of spring semester 2016.)


Graduate-level courses that may be used to satisfy undergraduate and graduate program requirements.

MSIT 7100 (3)
MIST 7700 (3)
Two courses from the B.S.A.E. Areas of Emphasis (must be graduate-level, indicated by a 6xxx listing)

Additional requirements that are unique to this Double Dawgs program:

M.B.A. Electives (approved for B.S.A.E./M.B.A. program): Students must choose two (2) courses from the list below. Either MGMT 7160 or ENTR 7320 must be chosen as one of the two M.B.A. electives in year five in order to graduate from the M.B.A. program.

ENTR 7090 Critical Design Thinking
MARK 7600 Predictive Analytics
MGMT 7220 Project Management
MIST 6550 Energy Informatics
MGMT 7160 Lean Six Sigma
ENTR 7320 Innovation Projects

B.S.A.E. Areas of Emphasis: Students must declare an Area of Emphasis and complete seven (7) Required Courses (21 credit hours) as well as one (1) Elective Course (minimum of 1 credit hour). At least two courses must be graduate level (indicated by a 6xxx listing) for cross-credit toward the M.B.A. degree.

Area of Emphasis in Process Operations
Required Courses:
AENG 3540 Physical Unit Operations
ENGR 2140 Strength of Materials
ELEE 3270 Electronics I
ELEE 4210/6210 Linear Systems
ELEE 4220/6220 Feedback Control Systems
ELEE 4230/6230 Sensors & Transducers
ELEE 4240 Intro to Microcontrollers

Elective Courses:
ELEE 4250/6250 Advanced Microcontrollers
ELEE 4540/6540 Applied Machine Vision
ELEE 6235 Industrial Control Systems
ENGR 4350/6350 Introduction to Finite Element Analysis
ENGR 4490/6490 Renewable Energy Engineering
FORS 4530/6530 Wood Properties & Utilization
MCHE 4650/6650 HVAC Systems for Building & Industry
MGMT 3000 Principles of Management
MGMT 4000 Operations Management
MGMT 4240 Quality Management
MGMT 4250 Productivity Management
POUL/FDST 4860&L/6860&L Poultry Processing
ENGR 3101 Applied Vector Analysis (1 hour)

Students focus on their undergraduate education requirements and engineering major during years one through three, take two 6000-level components of the included Process Operations 4000/6000-level courses in year four, as well as one course at the Terry College of Business each semester in year four, and are enrolled exclusively in the M.B.A. program during year five.

All students in the B.S.A.E. program are required to take the Fundamentals of Engineering Exam prior to graduation with their B.S.A.E. degree.

Admission to Graduate Program

Interested engineering students should apply to the M.B.A. program in the spring semester of their junior year. For more information on the M.B.A. admission process and application requirements, visit our webpage:

Program Advisor

  • Name: Abby Segrest
  • Email:
  • Phone: 706-542-6799
  • Address: 314 Correll Hall

Undergraduate Major Information

  • Major: Agricultural Engineering B.S.A.E.
  • Department/College: College of Engineering

Advising Contact

  • Name: Crystal West
  • Email:
  • Phone: 706-542-4170
  • Address: 1261 Driftmier Engineering Center

Graduate Major Information

  • Major: Business Administration M.B.A.
  • Department/College: Terry College of Business

Advising Contact

  • Name: Jake Mosley
  • Email:
  • Phone: 706-583-8136
  • Address: 318-E Correll Hall