German AB/German MA(non-thesis)

Career and Academic Opportunities

An M.A. in German from UGA's Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages puts students in an excellent position to be accepted into the most competitive Ph.D. programs in German in the country. (Teaching jobs are available with an M.A. degree at smaller colleges in Georgia and throughout the U.S.). With their excellent training in pedagogy and experience in the classroom, many of our graduates go on to teach German in high schools. Georgia schools require formal teacher certification, which is not part of the regular M.A. in German and the Double Dawgs program. However, our department partners with the College of Education to offer a dual (three-year) M.A./M.A.T. degree, which includes teaching certification. Double Dawgs students are eligible to apply for this program as well. Upon completion, they would have a German A.B., M.A., and M.A.T. in Education within six years instead of the traditional seven.